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Category: Ruby

A Simple Solution for Combining Different Data Types in Rails

When building Humadroid’s dashboard, I needed to show both company announcements and employee shoutouts in a single feed. At first, I took what seemed like the easy route - using notifications as a bridge between these different types of content. Each announcement or shoutout would create a notification, and I’d just query those. Simple enough, right?

Well, not quite. I soon realized this approach had a major flaw: new users couldn’t see older announcements or shoutouts. They’d join the company and find an empty dashboard. Not exactly the welcoming experience I was aiming for!

Quick Tip: Reading Ruby Version from .tool-versions in Your Gemfile

While migrating from asdf to mise as my version manager, I needed to update how my Gemfiles read the Ruby version. It’s a small change, but I thought it might be useful to share.

With asdf, I was using .ruby-version:

ruby'.ruby-version', __dir__)).chomp

Now with mise using .tool-versions, which can contain versions for multiple languages, the line changed to:

ruby".tool-versions"))[/^ruby[@ ](.+)$/, 1]

The regex matches a line starting with “ruby” (followed by either a space or @ symbol) and captures the version number.